Building dynamic web applications often requires the ability to create and edit rich text content. Text editors enhance the user experience by allowing users to format text with features like bold, italics, headings, and lists. This guide explores textAngular, a powerful library that seamlessly integrates rich text editing capabilities into your Angular applications.

Getting Started with textAngular

Utilizing textAngular is straightforward. Include the library in your project or incorporate the code directly into your directives.js file. Subsequently, integrate it within your main app module. Create an element (e.g., a div) and add the text-angular directive. Additionally, assign a unique name using the text-angular-name directive.

Configuration Options

textAngular offers both global and individual editor settings. The textAngularOpts object serves as the central configuration hub. This object allows you to set default HTML content, customize the toolbar, and enable/disable styles globally.

For individual editor customization, create the textAngularEditors property and add specific configurations for each editor by name.

Crafting the Toolbar

The toolbar provides users with convenient buttons for formatting text. You can define the toolbar content by adding an array of objects within the toolbar option. Each object represents a toolbar button and specifies its title, name (corresponding to a built-in command like h1, bold, or insertImage), and an optional icon class (using Font Awesome).

Theming and Styling

textAngular utilizes specific CSS classes for various components. Alternatively, you can leverage the theme object for comprehensive styling. The theme object allows you to define styles for the editor itself, toolbar, toolbar items, and insertion forms.

Extracting Edited Content

To access the edited HTML content, utilize the textAngularOpts.textAngularEditors.<YOUR EDITORS NAME>.html expression. This allows you to bind the content to your Angular model or monitor changes using $watch.


textAngular primarily relies on the execCommand browser feature for rich text functionalities. While it works well in Firefox, Chrome, and IE10, this feature might exhibit inconsistencies across different browsers. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to the textAngular community for assistance.