In the realm of Angular applications, incorporating unique identifiers is a straightforward process, thanks to the Angular UUID and GUID generator. This guide takes a dive into the setup and implementation process, ensuring a seamless integration of unique identifiers into your Angular project.

Step 1: Including the Library

The first step involves adding the Angular UUID library to your project. This is achieved by incorporating either the `angular.uuid.js` or the `angular.uuid.min.js` file into your project’s HTML. The inclusion is done through the `<script>` tag as shown below:


<script src="angular.uuid.js"></script>


Step 2: Injection into the Controller

Once the library is included, the next step is to make it available within your Angular controller. This is accomplished by injecting the `uuid` service into your controller’s dependency list. By doing this, the functionality provided by the `uuid` service becomes accessible within the controller.

Step 3: Generating UUID or GUID

With the `uuid` service injected, generating a UUID or GUID becomes an effortless task. The service offers methods to create new unique identifiers that can be used within your application. The implementation can be seen in the following JavaScript code snippet, where a new GUID is obtained and assigned:


app.controller('mainCtrl', ['$scope', 'uuid', function($scope, uuid) {

    $scope.getId = function() {

        $ = uuid.newguid();




This setup exemplifies how Angular applications can enhance their functionality with unique identifiers, such as UUIDs and GUIDs, by leveraging the Angular UUID library. Integrating this feature not only streamlines the development process but also ensures the uniqueness of identifiers across the application.


Integrating Angular UUID and GUID generator into an Angular project is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the application’s capability to generate unique identifiers. By including the Angular UUID library, injecting it into the desired controller, and utilizing its functions, developers can effortlessly incorporate UUIDs or GUIDs into their applications. This functionality is crucial for tracking entities uniquely across the application and ensuring data integrity.

The ease of integration and the utility it brings make the Angular UUID and GUID generator an invaluable tool in the Angular developer’s toolkit. Whether for database keys, component identifiers, or session tokens, the ability to generate unique identifiers on the fly simplifies many aspects of application development and maintenance. With this guide, developers have a clear path to leveraging this functionality, empowering them to build more robust, secure, and efficient Angular applications.