AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework used for building dynamic web applications. It provides developers with a powerful set of tools and features to create interactive user interfaces. One such feature is the ability to transform any HTML element on a page into a selectable component using the ngSelect module.

In this article, we will explore the ngSelect module in detail, including its features, usage, and compatibility with different versions of AngularJS. We will also provide examples and demos to help you understand how to use ngSelect effectively in your projects.

ngSelect: An Overview

The ngSelect module is a part of the AngularJS ecosystem and is designed to make it easier for developers to create selectable components on their web pages. It allows you to convert any HTML element into a dropdown list, radio buttons, or checkboxes, depending on your requirements.

With ngSelect, you can easily bind data to these selectable components and retrieve the selected values from them. This makes it an essential tool for creating forms and other interactive elements in your AngularJS applications.

AngularJS Version Support

ngSelect is compatible with both stable (1.0.7) and unstable (1.1.5) versions of AngularJS. This means that you can use it in your projects regardless of which version of AngularJS you are using. However, it is recommended to use the latest stable version for better performance and stability.

Getting Started with ngSelect

To start using ngSelect in your AngularJS project, you need to include the ngSelect module in your page’s script and add it as a dependency to your app module. Here’s an example of how you can do this:

<script src="angular.js"></script>

<script src="ng-select.js"></script>


  var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngSelect']);


Once you have included the ngSelect module, you can start using it in your HTML code.

Usage of ngSelect

ngSelect provides two main directives for creating selectable components: ng-select and ng-select-option. Let’s take a closer look at each of these directives and how they work.

ng-select Directive

The ng-select directive is used to define a scope variable that will be bound to the selected value from the selectable component. Here’s an example of how you can use it:

<select ng-select="selectedValue">

  <option value="1">Option 1</option>

  <option value="2">Option 2</option>

  <option value="3">Option 3</option>


In this example, the selectedValue variable will be updated with the value of the selected option. If no option is selected, the variable will be set to null.

ng-select-option Directive

The ng-select-option directive is used to define the options for the selectable component. It takes in a string value that will be assigned to the ng-select variable when the option is selected. Here’s an example:

<select ng-select="selectedValue">

  <option ng-select-option="1">Option 1</option>

  <option ng-select-option="2">Option 2</option>

  <option ng-select-option="3">Option 3</option>


In this case, when the user selects “Option 1”, the selectedValue variable will be set to 1.

select-class (optional) Directive

The select-class directive allows you to apply CSS classes to the selectable component based on certain conditions. It works similarly to the ng-class directive but also provides access to some special properties on the local scope of each ng-select-option instance.

These properties include:

  • $optIndex – A unique index for each option;
  • $optValue – The value of the option;
  • $optSelected – A boolean value indicating whether the option is selected or not.

This allows you to create more dynamic and flexible CSS classes for your selectable components. Here’s an example:

<select ng-select="selectedValue">

  <option ng-select-option="1" select-class="{ 'selected': $optSelected }">Option 1</option>

  <option ng-select-option="2" select-class="{ 'selected': $optSelected }">Option 2</option>

  <option ng-select-option="3" select-class="{ 'selected': $optSelected }">Option 3</option>


In this case, the “selected” class will be applied to the selected option, making it easier to style and differentiate from the other options.

select-style (optional) Directive

Similar to select-class, the select-style directive allows you to apply inline styles to the selectable component based on certain conditions. It works the same way as the ng-style directive but also provides access to the special properties mentioned earlier.

select-disabled (optional) Directive

The select-disabled directive allows you to disable specific options in the selectable component based on certain conditions. This can be useful when you want to restrict the user from selecting certain options. Here’s an example:

<select ng-select="selectedValue">

  <option ng-select-option="1" select-disabled="isDisabled(1)">Option 1</option>

  <option ng-select-option="2" select-disabled="isDisabled(2)">Option 2</option>

  <option ng-select-option="3" select-disabled="isDisabled(3)">Option 3</option>


In this example, the isDisabled() function will be called for each option, and if it returns true, the option will be disabled.

select-multiple (optional) Directive

The select-multiple directive allows you to create a multi-selectable component. This means that the user can select multiple options from the list instead of just one. To use this directive, simply add the multiple attribute to the select element. Here’s an example:

<select ng-select="selectedValues" multiple>

  <option ng-select-option="1">Option 1</option>

  <option ng-select-option="2">Option 2</option>

  <option ng-select-option="3">Option 3</option>


In this case, the selectedValues variable will be an array containing the values of all the selected options.

Hand touches program code

Note on ngSelect

It is important to note that ngSelect does not provide any styling or design for the selectable components. It only provides the functionality to transform HTML elements into selectable components. Therefore, you will need to style the components yourself using CSS or a UI library like Bootstrap or Materialize.

More Demos

To help you understand how to use ngSelect in different scenarios, here are some more demos showcasing its capabilities:


In conclusion, ngSelect is a powerful and versatile module that makes it easy to create selectable components in your AngularJS applications. It provides a simple and intuitive way to bind data to these components and retrieve the selected values. With its compatibility with different versions of AngularJS, ngSelect is a valuable tool for any developer looking to create interactive user interfaces. So go ahead and give it a try in your next project!