In the realm of web development, creating intuitive and interactive user interfaces is paramount. One key aspect of this is enabling drag and drop functionality, which allows users to effortlessly manipulate elements on a webpage. AngularJS, a popular JavaScript framework, offers a powerful module called ngDraggable that facilitates the implementation of drag and drop features within Angular applications. This article delves into the details of ngDraggable, exploring its usage, integration, and real-world examples, ultimately showcasing how it can elevate the user experience.


Overview of ngDraggable Module

The ngDraggable module is designed to provide seamless drag and drop capabilities for AngularJS applications, catering to both traditional desktop setups and touch-enabled devices. By leveraging this module, developers can empower their web applications with intuitive interaction, thereby enhancing usability and engagement.

Features of ngDraggable

ngDraggable offers a range of features that make it a versatile solution for implementing drag and drop functionality within AngularJS applications. Some key features include:

  • Support for Touch Devices: ngDraggable is equipped to handle touch events, ensuring a consistent and smooth drag and drop experience across various devices;
  • Customizable Attributes: The module provides attribute directives that can be easily integrated into HTML elements, allowing developers to customize the drag and drop behavior as per their requirements;
  • Optional Center Anchoring: With the optional ng-center-anchor attribute, developers can choose to center the dragged element within the drop area, providing additional control over the visual presentation.


Integration into HTML

To begin using ngDraggable, the first step involves integrating the module into the HTML structure of the application. This can be achieved by following a series of straightforward steps:

  1. Install ngDraggable: Utilize Bower to install ngDraggable, ensuring that the module is readily available within the project’s dependencies;
  2. Add Dependencies: Include jQuery, Angular, and ngDraggable within the codebase, allowing seamless integration of these libraries;
  3. Declare Dependency: Within the application’s JavaScript file, declare a dependency to the ngDraggable module, ensuring that the functionality is accessible throughout the application.

Integration into JavaScript

Once the module is successfully integrated into the HTML structure, the next step involves incorporating ngDraggable into the JavaScript logic of the application. This typically entails defining the necessary controllers and directives to enable drag and drop functionality.

Attribute Directives in HTML

With the module integrated into both the HTML and JavaScript components, developers can proceed to utilize the attribute directives provided by ngDraggable to enable drag and drop functionality within specific elements on the webpage.

# Draggable Usage

When implementing drag and drop functionality, developers can apply the draggable attribute directive to designate certain elements as draggable within the interface. Additionally, the optional ng-center-anchor attribute can be specified to control the anchoring behavior of the dragged element.

# Drop Area Usage

To define areas where draggable elements can be dropped, developers can utilize the drop area attribute directive within the HTML structure, thereby establishing designated regions for receiving dragged elements.

Man working at night

Angular Controller

In the context of an AngularJS application, the controller plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the behavior and interactions within the application. When integrating ngDraggable, the controller serves as a central component for managing the drag and drop functionality.


To illustrate the practical application of ngDraggable, consider the following scenarios where the module can be utilized to enhance user interaction and streamline workflows:

  1. Drag and Drop: Implementing a feature that allows users to drag elements from one section of the interface and drop them into another, facilitating easy reorganization or categorization of content;
  2. Re-ordering: Enabling users to rearrange items within a list or grid layout through drag and drop actions, offering a seamless method for prioritizing or customizing the display of information;
  3. Cloning: Allowing users to duplicate elements by dragging and dropping them, providing a convenient way to replicate content or objects within the interface.


In conclusion, the ngDraggable module presents a robust solution for incorporating drag and drop functionality into AngularJS applications, empowering developers to create dynamic and engaging user interfaces. By seamlessly integrating touch device support, customizable attributes, and flexible directives, ngDraggable offers a comprehensive toolkit for enhancing the user experience. Through the examples and guidelines provided, developers can leverage ngDraggable to unlock the potential of intuitive drag and drop interactions, ultimately elevating the usability and interactivity of their web applications.