This guide provides a comprehensive approach to incorporating Google Places Autocomplete functionality into a textbox element, enhancing user experience by facilitating address input.

Required Libraries

To begin, it’s essential to include Google Maps and jQuery libraries in the HTML document. The Google Maps API, equipped with Places library support, and the jQuery library are crucial for this implementation. The following script tags can be inserted into the HTML to load these libraries:


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script src="//"></script>


AngularJS Module Dependency

Next, the AngularJS application module needs to declare a dependency on the `ng-Autocomplete` module. This step is pivotal for integrating autocomplete functionality. The dependency is declared as follows in JavaScript:


var app = angular.module('myModule', ['ng-Autocomplete']);


Implementing the Directive

To activate the autocomplete feature, the directive must be added to the desired textbox element. This process integrates Google Places Autocomplete, streamlining the input of addresses.

Understanding the Outputs

Autocomplete Results

  • result: The value obtained from the autocomplete textbox, offering a quick snapshot of the user’s selection;
  • details: A more comprehensive result from the autocomplete, providing intricate details such as address components, latitude and longitude coordinates, and more.

Configuration Options

The autocomplete functionality can be customized through various options:

  • types: Specifies the type of places to return. Possible values include ‘geocode’, ‘establishment’, ‘(regions)’, or ‘(cities)’;
  • bounds: Utilizes a Google Maps LatLngBounds Object to bias the autocomplete results towards a specific area, though results outside these bounds may still appear;
  • country: Restricts results to a particular country, using ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 compatible country codes, for example, ‘ca’ for Canada, ‘us’ for the United States, or ‘gb’ for Great Britain.

Example Configuration

An example of setting the options in JavaScript is as follows:


options = {

  types: '(cities)',

  country: 'ca'



By following these guidelines, developers can effectively integrate Google Places Autocomplete into a textbox, enhancing the usability of web applications by making address input more efficient and user-friendly.


Incorporating Google Places Autocomplete into a textbox is a strategic enhancement that significantly elevates the user experience on any web application. By following the steps outlined—starting from including the necessary libraries, declaring module dependency, to configuring and implementing the autocomplete directive—developers can offer users a seamless way to input addresses. This not only improves the accuracy of data entry by reducing the likelihood of errors but also speeds up the process, making it more convenient and user-friendly.

The ability to customize the autocomplete feature through various options ensures that the functionality can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the application, whether it’s restricting searches to a particular type of place or to a specific country. By integrating this feature, developers are not just enhancing the interface of their application but also providing a tool that users will find invaluable in their day-to-day interactions with the platform. Ultimately, the integration of Google Places Autocomplete is more than a technical task; it’s an investment in user satisfaction and interface efficiency, driving forward the usability and functionality of web applications.