Angular development has seen a significant rise in popularity, with various frameworks and libraries enhancing the development process. One such library that stands out is ng2-bootstrap, offering a seamless integration of Bootstrap components into Angular applications. This article serves as a comprehensive guide for developers looking to dive into ng2-bootstrap, covering starter packages, installation methods, quick start tips, API references, contribution guidelines, credits to contributors, and a conclusive overview.

Starter Packages

With system.js: angular2-quickstart

When starting a new Angular project with ng2-bootstrap using system.js, the angular2-quickstart package provides a convenient setup. This package streamlines the configuration process, allowing developers to quickly integrate ng2-bootstrap components into their projects. Below is a table outlining the key features of using angular2-quickstart with ng2-bootstrap:

Simplified SetupEasy-to-follow instructions for integrating ng2-bootstrap with system.js
CompatibilityWorks seamlessly with Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4-alpha
Notification MechanismFollow on Twitter for updates and release notifications

Installation Steps

  1. Follow the setup instructions provided in the angular2-quickstart documentation;
  2. Install ng2-bootstrap using npm: npm install ng2-bootstrap –save;
  3. Add necessary typings for moment.js: typings install moment –save.

With webpack: AngularClass/angular2-webpack-starter

For developers preferring webpack as their module bundler, the AngularClass/angular2-webpack-starter package offers an efficient solution for integrating ng2-bootstrap components. Here are some key points to consider when using this package:

  • Seamless Integration: Easily incorporate ng2-bootstrap directives into your Angular application;
  • Webpack Compatibility: Ensures smooth compatibility with the webpack module bundler;
  • Streamlined Development: Accelerates the development process by providing pre-configured settings.

Setup Instructions

  1. Refer to the AngularClass/angular2-webpack-starter documentation for installation guidelines;
  2. Incorporate ng2-bootstrap into your project by following the specified steps;
  3. Enhance your application’s UI with Bootstrap components using ng2-bootstrap directives.

With gulp and system.js: pkozlowski-opensource/ng2-play or mgechev/angular2-seed

Developers seeking a combination of gulp, system.js, and ng2-bootstrap can leverage either pkozlowski-opensource/ng2-play or mgechev/angular2-seed for a robust development environment. These packages offer a comprehensive setup for integrating ng2-bootstrap components efficiently.

Man writes code on a computer

Install from npm

Installing ng2-bootstrap from npm is a straightforward process that ensures you have access to the latest version of the library. By following these steps, you can easily incorporate ng2-bootstrap into your Angular project:

  1. Run the command npm install ng2-bootstrap –save in your project directory;
  2. Ensure that the installation completes successfully without any errors;
  3. Verify the installation by importing ng2-bootstrap components into your Angular modules.

Install from CDN

Another convenient method for accessing ng2-bootstrap is through Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). By linking directly to the Bootstrap CSS file hosted on a CDN, you can quickly add styling to your Angular application. Here is a simple HTML snippet demonstrating how to include Bootstrap styles from a CDN:

ng2-bootstrap as system.js bundle html <script src=””></script> <link href=”” rel=”stylesheet”>

By utilizing CDNs, you can expedite the styling process and focus on integrating ng2-bootstrap components seamlessly.

Quick Start

To kickstart your development journey with ng2-bootstrap, follow these quick start tips:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the ng2-bootstrap documentation to understand its features and usage;
  2. Experiment with basic ng2-bootstrap components like alerts, datepickers, and modals to grasp their functionality;
  3. Explore sample applications and tutorials available online to gain practical insights into using ng2-bootstrap effectively.


The ng2-bootstrap library provides a comprehensive API reference detailing all available directives, components, and services. Developers can refer to the official ng2-bootstrap documentation for in-depth information on each API endpoint, including usage examples and parameters.


Contributing to the ng2-bootstrap project is encouraged and welcomed by the community. Developers interested in contributing can follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the ng2-bootstrap repository on GitHub;
  2. Implement desired changes or enhancements in a separate branch;
  3. Submit a pull request detailing the modifications made and the rationale behind them.

By actively participating in the ng2-bootstrap community, developers can contribute to the growth and improvement of the library for the benefit of all users.


The ng2-bootstrap project owes its success to the dedicated efforts of numerous contributors who have helped shape and enhance the library over time. Special thanks to all individuals who have contributed code, reported issues, and provided valuable feedback to make ng2-bootstrap a robust and reliable tool for Angular developers.


In conclusion, entering the realm of ng2-bootstrap opens up a world of possibilities for Angular developers seeking to integrate Bootstrap components seamlessly into their applications. By exploring the various starter packages, installation methods, quick start tips, API references, contribution guidelines, and acknowledging the contributions of the community, developers can harness the full potential of ng2-bootstrap in their projects. Embrace ng2-bootstrap as a valuable asset in your Angular development toolkit and elevate your web applications with responsive and feature-rich Bootstrap components.