In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, ensuring user engagement and security is paramount. AngularJS applications, known for their robust and dynamic nature, have an innovative solution to monitor and respond to idle users: the NgIdle module. This module is a powerhouse for developers looking to enhance user interaction and data protection through idle detection.

Purpose and Utility

The core objective of the NgIdle module is to empower developers with tools to detect idle users within AngularJS applications. Whether the goal is to safeguard sensitive information by logging out inactive users, engage them with custom prompts, or implement any other idle-response strategy, NgIdle offers a flexible suite of services and directives tailored for these tasks.

Development Stage and Considerations

Seated man with a laptop, coding graphics floating around him

As a word of caution, NgIdle is currently under active development. Its features and functionalities are subject to modification, which is a critical consideration for developers planning to incorporate it into production environments. The module’s development journey is anticipated to span a broad timeline, possibly extending from 1 to 20 years, starting a decade from its conception. This extensive development phase underscores the commitment to delivering a refined, reliable tool but also signals the need for cautious integration into live projects.

System Requirements

To integrate NgIdle into your project, your application must be running on Angular version 1.2.0 or later. While compatibility with earlier versions of Angular has not been ruled out, such scenarios have not undergone testing and, thus, lack official support.

Key Features of NgIdle

NgIdle shines by providing a streamlined process to monitor user activity (or inactivity) within AngularJS applications. For a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities, exploring the Overview section in the module’s wiki is highly recommended.

Getting Started

  • To begin with NgIdle, ensure that angular-idle.js is included in your project following angular.js;
  • The module offers flexibility in its implementation, allowing developers to utilize $keepalive and $idle services either collectively or separately, depending on the project’s requirements.

How to Contribute and Develop

Contributions from developers and enthusiasts are highly valued and play a crucial role in the evolution of the project. The project follows the git-flow workflow, which is a branching model aimed at improving the collaborative development process. In this model, the master branch is designated for stable releases, ensuring that it always reflects a production-ready state. Meanwhile, active development, including new features and bug fixes, takes place in the development branch. This structure allows for organized progress and a clear pathway from development to release.

Setting Up for Development

A woman codes at a desk with a large screen and server racks

To get started with development, you will need to have a few essential tools installed on your system:

  • Node.js and NPM: Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server side. NPM is the Node Package Manager, which facilitates the management of project dependencies;
  • Grunt: Grunt is a JavaScript task runner that automates repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. It’s instrumental in streamlining the development process;
  • Bower: Bower is a package manager for the web. It manages components such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, fonts, or even image files.

After cloning the project repository from GitHub or another version control system, initiate the development environment by running npm install followed by bower install. These commands fetch all the necessary dependencies required for the project, setting the stage for development activities.

Testing Your Contributions

Ensuring code quality and functionality is crucial before integrating any changes into the main project. For this purpose, the project utilizes Grunt to facilitate testing:

  • To run unit tests a single time and verify that your contributions do not introduce any regressions, use the command grunt test;
  • If you prefer a more dynamic testing environment that monitors your changes and runs tests automatically, grunt test-server is the tool for the job. This command keeps the test suite running in the background, providing immediate feedback as you develop.


In summary, the NgIdle module stands as a testament to the innovative and security-conscious development practices within the AngularJS ecosystem. Its ongoing development journey promises to equip developers with a versatile tool for enhancing user interaction and data protection strategies in web applications.