In the fast-paced world of web development, integrating a shopping cart into an application can often be a daunting task. However, with ngCart, this crucial component becomes a seamless and straightforward process for developers using AngularJS. Designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, ngCart offers a comprehensive suite of directives and modules tailored for AngularJS, allowing for the quick implementation of a shopping cart feature into your web application.

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Key Features of ngCart

  • View Cart Directive: Easily display the contents of the shopping cart, providing users with a clear and concise overview of their selected items;
  • Add Item to Cart Directive: This directive facilitates the addition of items to the shopping cart, streamlining the shopping experience for users;
  • Summary of Items Directive: Offers a summarized view of all items within the cart, enabling users to review their potential purchases at a glance;
  • Template-Driven Customization: ngCart is designed to offer full UI customization through templating, allowing developers to tailor the shopping cart’s appearance to match the application’s design seamlessly;
  • Custom Data Object: Enhance your shopping cart with additional information or options for each item, such as images or special instructions, through a custom data object;
  • Shipping and Taxes: ngCart simplifies the process of adding shipping costs and taxes to the shopping cart, ensuring accurate pricing for customers;
  • Event Broadcasting: Utilizes AngularJS’s $rootScope to broadcast events, facilitating efficient communication between components of the application;
  • Fulfillment Options: ngCart provides various fulfillment options to process the cart’s contents, including:
  • Console Logging: For development and debugging purposes, easily send cart data to the console;
  • HTTP POST: Seamlessly send cart data to a server using HTTP POST requests for processing;
  • Integration with PayPal: For applications requiring payment processing, ngCart offers direct integration with PayPal, simplifying the transaction process for both developers and users.

Leveraging ngCart for Your AngularJS Application

Isometric illustration of a person shopping on a giant laptop

Integrating ngCart into your AngularJS application not only enhances the user experience by providing a smooth and efficient shopping process but also significantly reduces development time and effort. With its array of features and easy-to-use directives, ngCart stands out as a comprehensive solution for developers looking to implement a shopping cart feature. Whether you’re building an e-commerce platform or adding a purchasing function to your app, ngCart provides the tools necessary to create a customized, fully functional shopping cart tailored to your needs.


In summary, ngCart is the go-to solution for AngularJS developers seeking a reliable, feature-rich shopping cart module. Its ease of use, combined with extensive customization options and robust functionality, makes it an indispensable tool in the development of modern web applications.