Effortlessly manage hierarchical data with this AngularJS library. Create interactive tree tables (or lists) that allow multi-row drag and drop functionality. The library supports various list types, including tables, ordered lists (ol), and unordered lists (ul).

Angular Tree DnD 

Leverage CSS animations for a seamless user experience and customize the look and feel with Bootstrap styles. Get started quickly by exploring the provided resources:

Here’s how you can search for it on GitHub:

  1. Go to GitHub: Visit the GitHub website at https://github.com/Index;
  2. Search Bar: In the search bar at the top of the page, type “Angular Tree DnD”;
  3. Search Results: GitHub will display a list of repositories that match your search criteria.


Angular Tree DnD provides a valuable solution for managing hierarchical data in AngularJS applications. The ability to drag and drop rows within tree tables (or lists) simplifies data manipulation and enhances user experience. While the specific repository you were referencing might not be the most actively maintained option, libraries like ngx-tree-dnd offer a modern and feature-rich alternative for newer Angular projects.