Angular provides a robust mechanism for validating forms on submission – Angular Submit Validation. This directive seamlessly integrates with your existing HTML forms, eliminating the need for additional attributes, tags, or classes. Simply include the directive, and it will automatically attach itself to all form elements within your application.

Unveiling the Power of Angular Submit Validation

The primary function of Angular Submit Validation lies in replicating the standard validation behavior that occurs when fields are validated natively by Angular. This ensures consistency in the validation process across your application.

Streamlining Form Creation with Reduced Code

One of the key advantages of Angular Submit Validation is its ease of use. By leveraging this directive, you eliminate the need for manual configuration of validation attributes for each form element. This streamlines your code and reduces development time.

Prioritizing Native Validation Control

It’s important to note that Angular Submit Validation works in conjunction with, not in place of, native browser validation. You’ll want to disable native validation using the novalidate attribute to prevent redundant validation messages.

No Form Submission Blockade

While Angular Submit Validation triggers the standard validation process, it doesn’t impede form submission on its own. You’ll need to utilize the ng-submit directive and provide a custom handler function to verify the form’s validity before submission.

Empowering Informed Decisions with Form Validity

The handler function associated with ng-submit grants you access to the form’s validity status. This empowers you to make informed decisions regarding form submission. If the form is valid, proceed with submission; otherwise, display appropriate error messages to guide the user towards correcting any input errors.

A Note on Angular Submit Validation’s Scope

It’s crucial to remember that Angular Submit Validation solely focuses on replicating standard Angular validation behavior during form submission. It doesn’t encompass any additional validation logic or prevent invalid form submissions.

Incorporating Angular Submit Validation

Here’s a practical example demonstrating the implementation of Angular Submit Validation:


<form name="myForm" ng-submit="myFormHandler" novalidate>

  <input ng-model="myVar" required>

  <input type="submit" value="Go!">


In this example, the form utilizes the novalidate attribute to disable native browser validation. Upon form submission, the ng-submit directive invokes the myFormHandler function, enabling you to assess the form’s validity and take appropriate actions.


By incorporating Angular Submit Validation, you can achieve a balance between developer efficiency and user-friendliness. It simplifies form development while ensuring a consistent and informative validation experience across your Angular applications.  This empowers you to create robust forms with minimal code, ultimately leading to a smoother user journey.