AngularJS development can be a complex process, but with the right tools and frameworks, it becomes more manageable. One such tool that simplifies AngularJS application development is ng-boilerplate. This article serves as a comprehensive guide for developers looking to make their entry into ng-boilerplate, covering everything from quick start instructions to directory structures, configurations, tasks, features, and more.


Quick Start

Getting started with ng-boilerplate is straightforward and efficient. Follow these steps to kickstart your AngularJS application development using this powerful build management system:

  1. Install Node.js on your system;
  2. Open the file ng-boilerplate/tmp/index.html in your browser;
  3. Begin adding code for your AngularJS application without the need to run any node server.

This quick start approach eliminates unnecessary setup complexities, allowing you to focus on building your application promptly.

Directory Structure

The directory structure of ng-boilerplate adheres to AngularJS best practices, ensuring easy maintenance and scalability of your application. By organizing your files and folders in a structured manner, you can streamline development processes and enhance collaboration within your team.

app/Contains all application-specific code
assets/Stores static assets like images, fonts
bower_components/Houses Bower components
tmp/Temporary files used during development


Within the gulp/config.js file, you will find all the essential configurations required by Gulp to execute various tasks efficiently. These configurations play a crucial role in defining how your AngularJS application is built and deployed.

  • Development Configuration: Specifies settings for the development environment;
  • Production Configuration: Defines parameters for the production build process.

By customizing these configurations based on your project requirements, you can optimize the performance and output of your AngularJS application.


Default Task

The default task in ng-boilerplate simplifies the development process by automating key actions required during app creation and modification. When you run gulp, the following tasks are performed:

  1. Development build creation under the specified path;
  2. Continuous monitoring of source files for changes;
  3. Automatic browser refresh to reflect file modifications instantly.

Compile Task

The compile task is designed for generating a production-ready build of your AngularJS application. By executing gulp compile, the following optimizations are applied:

  1. Concatenation and minification of JavaScript and CSS files;
  2. Versioning of resulting JS and CSS files for efficient caching and loading.

The compile task ensures that your application is optimized for performance and ready for deployment in a production environment.

Man working on laptop


Bower Info

Integrating Bower components into your AngularJS application is made simple with ng-boilerplate. By leveraging Bower, you can easily manage external dependencies and libraries, enhancing the functionality and capabilities of your project.

  • Dependency Management: Easily install, update, and remove packages;
  • Version Control: Maintain consistency across different environments;
  • Package Resolution: Resolve dependencies efficiently for seamless integration.


In conclusion, entering the world of ng-boilerplate offers developers a robust foundation for building efficient and scalable AngularJS applications. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can leverage the power of ng-boilerplate to streamline your development workflow, optimize performance, and adhere to best practices in AngularJS application architecture. Embrace ng-boilerplate as your go-to tool for AngularJS development and elevate your coding experience to new heights.