Building user interfaces for hierarchical data is a common challenge in web development. Angular Tree Control offers a powerful and customizable solution specifically designed for Angular applications.

Why a New Tree Control?

Existing Angular tree controls often present limitations. Some pollute the application scope, modify the underlying data for state management, or lack flexibility in node customization.

Angular Tree Control: Designed for Flexibility:

  • Isolated Scope: The tree control operates within its own scope, preventing unintended side effects on your application;
  • Data Integrity: The control never modifies your original data source for selection or expansion states;
  • Angular Templates for Node Labels: Leverage the power of Angular templates to define the appearance of each node;
  • Efficient for Large Trees: Handles extensive hierarchical structures without performance overhead;
  • Reactive Updates: The tree automatically reflects changes in your data source;
  • Multiple Styling Options: Utilize three built-in styles or customize with your own CSS.

Key Features of Angular Tree Control:

  • Data Binding: Bind both your tree model and the selected node for seamless integration;
  • Clean Data Management: Tree state (expansion/selection) is managed independently, keeping your data model clean;
  • Node Customization: Design node labels using familiar Angular templates;
  • Interactive Events: Respond to user interactions like node expansion and selection.
  • Built-in Styles: Choose from three pre-designed styles for a quick start;
  • Advanced Customization: Fine-tune the tree’s behavior with options for equality functions, children property names, node ordering, and more.

Embrace Flexibility and Performance with Angular Tree Control

Building user interfaces for complex hierarchical data doesn’t have to be a struggle. Angular Tree Control empowers you to create efficient, visually appealing, and highly customizable tree structures within your Angular applications.


Angular Tree Control stands out as a compelling choice for developers seeking a performant and customizable solution for managing hierarchical data within Angular applications. Its focus on isolated scope, data integrity, and user-friendly customization options makes it a valuable asset. If you’re looking to build dynamic and visually appealing tree structures, Angular Tree Control is definitely worth exploring.