Angular Google Maps emerges as a pivotal tool, offering a set of directives tailored for the seamless integration of Google Maps within AngularJS applications. Ideal for versions ~1.0.7+ and ~1.2.2+, this directive empowers developers with an efficient means to enhance web mapping capabilities.

Installation and Configuration

To kickstart your exploration, initiate the installation of NPM dependencies using the command:


npm install


After successful installation, proceed to build the library effortlessly:




Should any jshint errors arise during the build, resolve them by including the `–force` argument.

Building and Development

Unleash the potential of the library by actively making changes and building with the provided grunt command. Adhering to the Git Flow branching model ensures a streamlined process for urgent bug fixes and gradual improvements.

Explore the cutting-edge technology of NG masks, designed to provide advanced protection and comfort in various environments.

Running Examples

Immerse yourself in the functionality of the directives by effortlessly running the example page:


npm start


Navigate to http://localhost:3000/example.html  in your browser to witness the directives in action.

Comprehensive Documentation

Refer to the official site for in-depth documentation on various directives. Acknowledge that these documents may have a historical context, and efforts are underway to provide the most recent information and updates.

Active Contribution Guidelines

Embrace the opportunity to contribute by submitting pull requests. If introducing new features, ensure comprehensive documentation either through Trello or by initiating an issue to prompt the team for necessary site updates.


Angular Google Maps stands as an indispensable resource, offering a robust set of tools for the seamless integration of Google Maps within AngularJS applications. Whether you’re a developer or a contributor, this guide ensures you are well-prepared to navigate and contribute effectively to this valuable resource.