Angular-formly is a powerful AngularJS module that offers a directive to assist in customizing and rendering JavaScript/JSON configured forms. This article serves as a comprehensive guide for those looking to delve into the world of angular-formly, exploring its features, learning resources, examples, documentation, roadmap, and how to contribute to this innovative project.


Angular-formly is an AngularJS module designed to simplify form creation by providing a directive that allows for the customization and rendering of forms configured using JavaScript or JSON. The formly-form directive and the formlyConfig service are key components of angular-formly, offering unparalleled maintainability for forms within your application.


  • Simplifies form creation process;
  • Allows customization and rendering of forms;
  • Enhances maintainability of application forms;
  • Supports configuration using JavaScript or JSON.

Angular-formly provides a robust solution for handling forms in AngularJS applications, making it a valuable tool for developers seeking efficient form management capabilities.

Learning Lessons offers a range of lessons dedicated to angular-formly, providing in-depth tutorials on how to effectively utilize this module in your AngularJS projects. These lessons cover various aspects of angular-formly, from basic setup to advanced customization techniques.

NG-NL Talk

NG-NL Talk is a platform where experts share insights and best practices related to JavaScript-powered forms, including discussions on leveraging angular-formly for creating dynamic and user-friendly forms. Attendees can gain valuable knowledge and practical tips for optimizing form development workflows.


JavaScript Powered Forms Examples

The angular-formly website features a plethora of examples showcasing the versatility and functionality of JavaScript-powered forms created using this module. These examples serve as inspiration for developers looking to implement similar solutions in their projects.


For detailed information on angular-formly’s features, configuration options, and usage guidelines, refer to the official documentation available at The documentation provides comprehensive insights into utilizing angular-formly effectively in your AngularJS applications.

Programmer writes code on a laptop while sitting at a table, rear view



Stay updated on the latest developments and planned enhancements for angular-formly by checking out the issues labeled as enhancements on the project’s GitHub repository. The roadmap outlines upcoming features and improvements that will further enhance the functionality and usability of angular-formly.


Contributors play a vital role in the growth and evolution of angular-formly. If you’re interested in contributing to the project, please review the CONTRIBUTING Guidelines for instructions on how to get involved. Special thanks to Nimbly for creating angular-formly and Kent C. Dodds for his ongoing support and contributions to the project.


In conclusion, entry into angular-formly opens up a world of possibilities for simplifying form management in AngularJS applications. By leveraging the features, learning resources, examples, documentation, and community support available for angular-formly, developers can streamline their form development workflows and create dynamic, user-friendly forms with ease. Stay engaged with the project’s roadmap and consider contributing to its growth to be part of this innovative form management solution.