Plunker is a popular online community and tool for creating, collaborating on, and sharing web development projects. When it comes to AngularJS examples, Plunker provides a valuable platform for developers to showcase their skills, learn from others, and experiment with different code snippets. In this article, we will delve into various AngularJS examples on Plunker, exploring the features, benefits, and how you can leverage this resource to enhance your AngularJS development skills.

Getting Started with Plunker AngularJS Examples

Plunker is an online community that allows developers to create, share, collaborate, and test code in real-time. It provides an interactive environment where users can work on projects using various web technologies, including AngularJS.

Creating Your First AngularJS Example on Plunker

To get started with AngularJS examples on Plunker, you can begin by creating a new project. Simply navigate to the Plunker website, click on the “New” button, select “AngularJS” as the template, and start coding your example.

Sample AngularJS Code Snippet:

// Sample AngularJS Controller

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {

  $scope.message = 'Hello, Plunker!';


Benefits of Using Plunker for AngularJS Development:

  • Real-time collaboration with other developers;
  • Easy sharing of code snippets and projects;
  • Immediate feedback through live previews.

Advanced AngularJS Features on Plunker

Directives are a powerful feature in AngularJS that allow you to extend HTML with custom attributes and elements. Plunker provides an excellent platform to experiment with directives and see how they affect the behavior of your AngularJS applications.

List of Built-in AngularJS Directives:

  1. ng-model: Binds an input element to a property on the scope;
  2. ng-repeat: Iterates over a collection and instantiates a template for each item;
  3. ng-click: Executes an expression when an element is clicked.

AngularJS Directive Examples

ng-showConditionally shows an element.
ng-hideConditionally hides an element.
ng-classAdds or removes CSS classes dynamically.

Building Responsive Web Applications with AngularJS on Plunker

Responsive web design is crucial for ensuring that your web applications look good and function well across various devices and screen sizes. With Plunker, you can experiment with responsive design techniques in AngularJS to create adaptive and user-friendly interfaces.

Sample Media Query for Responsive Design:

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {

  .container {

    width: 100%;



Integrating APIs with AngularJS Projects on Plunker

AngularJS makes it easy to interact with RESTful APIs and fetch data from external sources. Plunker offers a sandbox environment where you can integrate APIs into your AngularJS projects and test the functionality without the need for a server.

Steps to Fetch Data from an API in AngularJS:

  1. Define a service to make HTTP requests;
  2. Inject the service into your controller;
  3. Use the service to fetch data from the API endpoint.

Popular APIs for AngularJS Integration

  • GitHub API;
  • OpenWeatherMap API;
  • Twitter API.
Programming background with person working with codes on computer

Enhancing User Interactivity with AngularJS Directives on Plunker

Implementing Custom Directives in AngularJS

Custom directives in AngularJS allow you to create reusable components and enhance the interactivity of your web applications. Plunker provides a playground where you can develop and test custom directives to streamline your development process.

Example of a Custom AngularJS Directive:

app.directive('customDirective', function() {

  return {

    restrict: 'E',

    template: 'This is a custom directive',

    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

      // Directive logic here




Testing and Debugging AngularJS Code on Plunker

Unit testing is essential for ensuring the reliability and maintainability of your AngularJS code. Plunker supports the integration of testing frameworks like Jasmine and Karma, allowing you to write and execute unit tests directly within the platform.

Sample Unit Test in Jasmine:

describe('Calculator', function() {

  it('should add two numbers', function() {

    expect(add(1, 2)).toEqual(3);




In conclusion, Plunker serves as a valuable platform for exploring AngularJS examples, honing your development skills, and collaborating with fellow developers in the community. By leveraging the features and capabilities of Plunker, you can enhance your proficiency in AngularJS and create innovative web applications with ease. Start experimenting with AngularJS examples on Plunker today to unlock a world of possibilities in web development.