AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework used for developing dynamic and robust web applications. It provides developers with a structured approach to building client-side applications, making it easier to maintain and extend code. One of the key features of AngularJS is its two-way data binding, which allows changes in the user interface to automatically reflect in the underlying data model. This feature is possible because of a crucial component of AngularJS called ng-scope. In this article, we will delve deeper into understanding what ng-scope is, how it works, and its significance in AngularJS development.

What is ng-scope?

To put it simply, ng-scope is an object that represents the scope of a controller or a directive in an AngularJS application. It acts as the glue between the view and the controller, allowing them to communicate with each other. Every controller or directive in AngularJS has its own ng-scope object, which holds all the variables, functions, and properties defined within that particular scope. These variables are accessible to the view through data binding, and any changes made to them are reflected in the view immediately.

How does ng-scope work?

In order to understand how ng-scope works, let’s take a closer look at the process of compiling an AngularJS application. When an AngularJS app is loaded, it goes through a three-step compilation process:

  1. Compilation of HTML: The first step is to compile the HTML code of the application. During this process, AngularJS parses the HTML markup and looks for any directives (starting with ng-) or filters (starting with ). Once these are found, they are replaced with appropriate code that will be executed at runtime;
  2. Creation of a new scope: Once the HTML has been compiled, AngularJS creates a new ng-scope object for each controller or directive present in the app. This scope is then linked to the respective HTML element;
  3. Linking of the scope with the view: The final step is to link the scope with the view. This is where ng-scope comes into play. It acts as a reference point for the view to access the variables and functions defined in the respective controller or directive’s scope.

As the user interacts with the application, any changes made to the variables within the scope are automatically reflected in the view, thanks to ng-scope.

Creating Nested Scopes in AngularJS

In some cases, a controller or directive may need to have multiple nested scopes. These are scopes that are created within another scope and inherit properties from their parent scope. This is possible through a feature called prototypal inheritance in JavaScript. Let’s take a look at how we can create nested scopes in AngularJS.

Using the ng-controller directive

The most common way to create nested scopes in AngularJS is by using the ng-controller directive. This allows us to attach a controller to an HTML element, creating a new scope for that particular element. Let’s see an example:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

  app.controller('MainController', function($scope) {

    $scope.title = 'Hello';

    $scope.message = 'Welcome to my app!';


  app.controller('SubController', function($scope) {

    $scope.subtitle = 'Greetings';

    $scope.submessage = 'Thank you for using my app!';


In this example, we have two controllers – MainController and SubController – attached to different HTML elements. As a result, we have two separate ng-scope objects, each with its own set of variables and functions. The child scope, in this case, the one created by SubController, inherits all the properties of the parent scope, MainController.

Using the $scope.$new() method

Another way to create nested scopes in AngularJS is by using the $scope.$new() method. This method creates a new child scope for the current scope. Let’s take a look at an example:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

  app.controller('MainController', function($scope) {

    $scope.title = 'Hello';

    $scope.message = 'Welcome to my app!';

    var childScope = $scope.$new();

    childScope.subtitle = 'Greetings';

    childScope.submessage = 'Thank you for using my app!';


In this example, we are manually creating a child scope by calling the $scope.$new() method and assigning it to the variable childScope. This new scope inherits all the properties of its parent, but any changes made to the child scope will not affect the parent scope.

Scope Inheritance in AngularJS

As mentioned earlier, scopes in AngularJS follow the concept of prototypal inheritance. This means that child scopes inherit properties from their parent scopes, which in turn inherit from their parent scope, forming a chain. This is known as the scope hierarchy.

To better understand scope inheritance in AngularJS, let’s consider an example:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

  app.controller('MainController', function($scope) {

    $scope.title = 'Hello';

    $scope.message = 'Welcome to my app!';


  app.controller('SubController', function($scope) {

    $scope.subtitle = 'Greetings';

    $scope.submessage = 'Thank you for using my app!';


  app.controller('InnerController', function($scope) {

    $scope.innerTitle = 'Howdy';

    $scope.innerMessage = 'Have a great day ahead!';


In this example, we have three levels of scopes – MainController, SubController, and InnerController – all nested within each other. As a result, the InnerController inherits properties from both MainController and SubController.

The $parent property

In some cases, it may be necessary to access the parent scope directly from a child scope. This is where the $parent property comes in handy. It allows us to access the parent scope and its properties from the child scope.

Let’s take a look at an example:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

  app.controller('MainController', function($scope) {

    $scope.title = 'Hello';

    $scope.message = 'Welcome to my app!';


  app.controller('SubController', function($scope) {

    $scope.subtitle = 'Greetings';

    $scope.submessage = 'Thank you for using my app!';


  app.controller('InnerController', function($scope) {

    $scope.innerTitle = 'Howdy';

    $scope.innerMessage = 'Have a great day ahead!';


In this example, we have added a button to the InnerController that changes the value of the subtitle property in the parent scope, SubController. This is possible because of the $parent property, which gives us access to the parent scope and its properties.

Programming background with person working with codes on computer

The Role of ng-scope in AngularJS Digest Cycle

The digest cycle is a mechanism in AngularJS that updates the view whenever there are any changes in the data model. The process involves traversing through all the scopes and checking if any of their variables have changed. If there are changes, the view is updated accordingly. This process is triggered automatically by AngularJS whenever an event (such as a user action or a timeout) occurs.

ng-scope plays a crucial role in the digest cycle. It acts as the starting point, from where AngularJS begins traversing through all the scopes. As it moves along each scope, it checks for any changes in the variables defined within that scope. If there are changes, the corresponding HTML elements in the view are updated.

The Performance Impact of ng-scope in AngularJS

One of the biggest concerns with AngularJS is its performance. As an application grows in size, the number of ng-scope objects also increases, resulting in more scopes to traverse during the digest cycle. This can have a significant impact on the performance of an application.

To improve performance, AngularJS provides two options – $scope.$apply() and $scope.$digest(). These methods allow developers to manually trigger the digest cycle when needed, instead of relying on AngularJS’s automatic triggering. This can help reduce the number of digest cycles and improve the performance of an application.


ng-scope is a fundamental concept in AngularJS development, responsible for enabling two-way data binding and facilitating communication between the view and controllers/directives. It plays a crucial role in the digest cycle and helps improve performance through efficient memory management. While it has its own pros and cons, understanding how ng-scope works and using it effectively can greatly enhance the development of dynamic and robust web applications using AngularJS.