NgMask, an AngularJS module, revolutionizes field formatting, offering a dynamic approach to enhance user input. This guide delves into NgMask’s seamless integration and usage, providing examples and insights for optimal application.

Installation and Setup

Commence the integration by installing NgMask through Bower:


bower install ng-mask --save


This straightforward process ensures NgMask becomes an integral part of your AngularJS application.

NgMask in Action

NgMask’s prowess lies in its ability to introduce dynamic formatting to screen elements. By incorporating the module, users gain access to powerful tools for refining user input. The following snippet exemplifies NgMask usage:


<input type="text" class="form-control input-small" data-ng-model="zipcode" placeholder="Enter the zip code" data-ng-mask="#####-###" data-on="keyup">


Customizing Formatting

Define the compulsory shape of the formatting mask using the “data-ng-mask” attribute, and specify the triggering event with “data-on.” Events can range from keyup to click, ensuring flexibility in user interaction.

Integration Tips

incorporating NgMask into your AngularJS application becomes more insightful through practical examples. For instance, suppose you have a form where users need to input a phone number. Utilizing NgMask, you can customize the formatting to ensure a consistent and user-friendly experience. Consider the following code snippet:

<input type="text" class="form-control" data-ng-model="phoneNumber" placeholder="Enter your phone number" data-ng-mask="(###) ###-####" data-on="keyup">

In this example, the “data-ng-mask” attribute specifies the desired phone number format, providing a clear structure for users to follow. Exploring such examples and adjusting formatting according to your application’s specific needs will enhance the user experience, making the integration of NgMask a powerful tool for creating intuitive input fields.

Enhance your web application with Google Maps integration using Angular, providing seamless display and interaction with geographic data.

Bower Dependency Installation

Solidify NgMask’s presence by installing it as a Bower dependency:


bower install ng-mask --save


This step guarantees uninterrupted access to NgMask’s features throughout your project.


NgMask proves to be a valuable asset for AngularJS developers seeking dynamic field formatting. With a straightforward installation process and flexible customization options, NgMask elevates user input by ensuring a polished and intuitive experience. 

Developers can seamlessly integrate NgMask into their projects, optimizing formatting and enhancing overall user interactions. Its compatibility with various events and easy-to-use attributes makes NgMask a go-to solution for refining and validating user input in AngularJS applications.