Struggling to integrate dates into your Ionic app? Look no further! This simple-to-use datepicker component offers everything you need for a smooth user experience. Built with Moment.js, it boasts extensive localization and customization options. 

AngularJS Datepicker

Choose your date range, disable specific days, and style it to match your app’s design. It even works outside of Ionic, making it a versatile addition to your AngularJS projects.

AngularJS offers a few ways to implement a datepicker:

  1. Built-in Datepicker (AngularJS Material):
    AngularJS Material, a popular UI component library, provides a built-in datepicker component. It offers basic functionalities like selecting a date, highlighting today’s date, and customization options. You can find usage examples and documentation in the official Material Design docs;
  2. Third-party Libraries:
    Several third-party libraries specifically cater to datepicker functionality in AngularJS. Here are two popular options:
    • angularjs-datepicker: This library offers features like custom titles, highlighting specific dates, custom buttons, and more. Installation is done via npm and integrates well with your AngularJS project;
    • Ionic Datepicker (can work without Ionic): While originally designed for Ionic apps, this datepicker can also be used within pure AngularJS projects. It boasts features like Moment.js integration for internationalization, watchable configurations for dynamic updates, and a popover style that works well within Ionic apps.

Choosing the best option depends on your specific needs. If basic functionality suffices, AngularJS Material’s datepicker might be suitable. For more advanced features and customization, consider exploring third-party libraries like angularjs-datepicker or the adaptable ionic-simple-datepicker.


AngularJS developers have a range of options for implementing datepickers. Built-in solutions offer basic functionality, while third-party libraries like angularjs-datepicker and ionic-simple-datepicker provide extensive customization and features. Consider your project’s specific needs and desired level of control when choosing the perfect datepicker for your AngularJS application.