In the field of web development, projects often thrive on being efficient and straightforward. Angular-xeditable is a key tool that simplifies adding editable elements to AngularJS applications. It’s inspired by the x-editable library and is built specifically for Angular to help manage complex forms and editable grids easily, without needing other external libraries besides AngularJS.

While X-Editable AngularJS provides a versatile platform for editing data within AngularJS applications, an article discussing Angular Material’s file upload functionality further enhances the user experience by seamlessly integrating file management features.

Overview of Angular-xeditable

Angular-xeditable provides a set of AngularJS directives aimed at developers who want to add in-place editing features to their applications. This feature, also known as click-to-edit, allows users to edit content right where it is displayed, which improves the user experience by making it easier and more direct to interact with data. Angular-xeditable is particularly effective because it uses Angular’s strengths to enable advanced editing features for forms and grids.

Getting Started with Angular-xeditable

Installation Methods

Angular-xeditable is accessible through multiple installation routes to accommodate different project setups:

  • Bower: Execute bower install angular-xeditable in your project directory;
  • NPM: Use the command npm install angular-xeditable for Node.js projects;
  • Manual Installation: For projects with specific requirements, the latest version of Angular-xeditable can be downloaded directly from the project’s homepage.

Integration into Your Project

After installation, incorporating Angular-xeditable into your AngularJS application is straightforward:

Dependency Injection: Include Angular-xeditable as a dependency in your AngularJS module:

var app = angular.module("app", ["xeditable"]);

For projects utilizing a module bundler:

import angularXeditable from 'angular-xeditable';

angular.module('app', [angularXeditable]);

Dependencies and Compatibility

An illustrated man works on a laptop with gears and a clipboard with code in the background

A key advantage of Angular-xeditable is its minimal dependency, requiring only AngularJS to function. However, to enhance aesthetics and incorporate additional controls, you may opt to include:

  • Twitter Bootstrap CSS for themes;
  • Angular-ui bootstrap for Bootstrap 2/3 compatible controls like datepicker;
  • ui-bootstrap4 for Bootstrap 4 compatibility;
  • angular-ui ui-select and mbenford ngTagsInput for advanced selection and tagging capabilities;
  • angular-ui ui-date for date picking functionalities.


Angular-xeditable represents a paradigm shift in how developers approach form and grid editing within AngularJS applications. By combining the simplicity of edit-in-place functionality with the robustness of Angular, it opens up new possibilities for creating highly interactive and user-friendly web applications. Whether for simple projects or complex enterprise solutions, Angular-xeditable stands as a testament to the innovation and efficiency AngularJS offers to the web development community.