A third-party service, designed to offer simple notifications utilizing Bootstrap 3 for styling and CSS transitions for animations, enriches the Angular.js ecosystem. This service is uniquely characterized by its dependency solely on Angular.js, leveraging CSS3 for animations, ensuring a compact footprint. It supports five distinct message types and allows for the inclusion of HTML within messages. Additionally, it offers the flexibility to configure options on a global scale via the provider or tailor them individually for each message. Users can even specify a custom template to further personalize the notification appearance.

Key Features

  • Exclusive Dependency on Angular.js: The service stands out for its minimal dependency, requiring only Angular.js to function;
  • CSS3 for Animations: It employs CSS3 animations to deliver visually appealing notifications;
  • Compact Size: Designed to be lightweight, it ensures an efficient performance footprint;
  • Diverse Message Types: Supports five different message types, catering to a variety of notification needs;
  • HTML Content in Messages: Offers the capability to embed HTML within messages, providing a rich text experience;
  • Global Configuration: Allows users to set preferences globally through the provider, offering a consistent behavior across notifications;
  • Customizable Options per Message: Each message can be fine-tuned with specific options, allowing for a tailored notification experience;
  • Personalized Template: Users have the option to use a custom template, enabling a unique notification style.

Installation Process

The installation is straightforward, utilizing Bower. To incorporate the package into a project as a dependency, the command `bower install angular-ui-notification –save` is executed in the terminal.

Utilization Guide

A demo available on Plunker showcases the practical application of this service. Integration within an HTML template or Angular.js module is simplified, with detailed instructions provided for configuring the service through the `NotificationProvider`. This configuration includes options such as message delay, positioning, and spacing, which can be adjusted to suit specific requirements.

In-depth Service Details

Main Components

  • Module Name: `ui-notification`;
  • Service Name: `Notification`;
  • Configuration Provider: `NotificationProvider`.

Configuration and Options

A comprehensive array of options is available, enabling global configuration via the `NotificationProvider` or on a per-message basis. These options encompass delay times, positioning preferences, message spacing, and the behavior of message replacement. Additionally, a `scope` option is provided, allowing for the inheritance of Angular scopes within notifications.

Service Methods

The service offers several methods to display notifications in various styles, such as primary, info, success, warning, and error, aligning with Bootstrap’s classification. A method to clear all messages is also available. Each method returns a promise, facilitating the management of notification scopes and the removal of messages with optional fade-out effects.

Custom Templates and Scope

For those seeking a more customized notification appearance, the service allows the specification of custom templates. This flexibility ensures that notifications can be seamlessly integrated into the overall design of an application, with support for both default scope values and custom properties.


In the realm of web development, the Angular.js notification service emerges as a pivotal tool for developers seeking a blend of simplicity, flexibility, and aesthetic appeal in user notifications. By integrating seamlessly with Angular.js and Bootstrap 3, it provides a robust framework for creating and managing notifications that are not only visually engaging due to CSS3 animations but also highly customizable. 

From allowing HTML content in messages to offering a diverse range of message types and extensive configuration options, this service caters to a wide array of notification needs. Whether it’s global settings through the NotificationProvider or specific adjustments per message, developers have the freedom to tailor notifications to the exact requirements of their project. The provision for custom templates further enhances this flexibility, enabling a perfect alignment with the application’s design ethos. 

With its straightforward installation process and detailed documentation, incorporating this notification service into projects is made accessible, promising an enriched user interface experience. This Angular.js notification service, thus, stands out as a comprehensive solution for developers aiming to deliver polished, user-friendly notifications in their applications.