AngularJS provides a unique functionality that caters to file type input elements, enabling those to be processed within models encapsulated in a controller’s scope. This is achieved using a special attribute, known as the Angular File Model directive.

The concept of the File Model serves as the foundation for understanding the intricacies of Angular Material’s file upload functionality, as explored in the following article.

Understanding Angular File Model Directive

The Angular File Model directive serves as a valuable module in Angular.js, providing a seamless method to manage file-type input data in application models. It facilitates the inclusion of file input elements within the scope of a controller, thereby streamlining the interaction between the user interface and the underlying data models. By leveraging this directive, developers can more efficiently handle file uploads and integrate them into the Angular.js framework, simplifying the process of data manipulation and improving overall user experience. This integration not only enhances the functionality of forms that require file uploads but also contributes to cleaner and more maintainable code by aligning with Angular.js’s model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.

Implementing Angular File Model

A stylized graphic of a woman coding on a laptop with cloud and data icons

To utilize the Angular File Model, some initial set-up is necessary. 

  • The first step would be to install the requisite software;
  • Following that, the directive can be added to the HTML files in the appropriate sections. 

This is an easy process that doesn’t require any complex coding.

Usage of Angular File Model

  • Firstly, acquire the required software package using the command line tool ‘bower’. Then, proceed to incorporate the directive into your HTML files by including a script tag referencing the module;
  • Once the above steps are completed, it is now time to inject this module into your application. The Angular.js application should have a defined section where new modules can be inserted.

After these steps are completed, it’s time to put the directives to use in the controllers! Make sure to properly reference them in your HTML files and the relevant controllers.

Controller Integration with Angular File Model

  • Two files are of primary concern in this process: file.html and controller.js;
  • In file.html, the hyperlink referencing your controller is created. On the other hand, in controller.js, the directives are employed within the controllers, allowing for efficient data handling.

Real-Life Applications of File Model

An isometric illustration of a smartphone with clouds and a report icon
  • File Models transcend their theoretical framework to play a crucial role in practical scenarios, particularly in the development and operation of web applications;
  • They act as a foundational element in managing file input types, such as documents, images, and multimedia files, which users upload and interact with;
  • This functionality is key in a variety of sectors, including online services for document management, media libraries, data archival systems, and any interactive platform where file exchange is essential. 

By simplifying the process through which users submit their files, File Models improve the usability of web interfaces. For developers, they provide a structured and efficient approach to processing and storing these files, thereby enhancing the backend’s data handling capabilities. This has the added benefit of increasing productivity for developers and streamlining user workflows, making File Models indispensable in creating responsive and user-friendly web environments.


The Angular File Model gives developers an efficient way to handle file-type input data. It streamlines the process and makes data handling a lot easier and smoother. By integrating this directive into your controllers, you can enhance user experience and improve overall data management in your web applications. With the Angular File Model, the possibilities are endless.